
Good things in Birth happening in Anniston, Alabama

So I read an interesting article in about breastfeeding and natural birth options. I was disappointed they missed the wonderful things happening at RMC. Here is what I would add/respond to the article: In light of the  changes in the two hospitals you focused on,  RMC, without any outside help, became the first Baby

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Exercise in Pregnancy

A recent metaanalysis in the journal AJOG on exercise was very encouraging to those exercising in pregnancy.  Exercise in pregnancy lowers the risk of cesarean section significantly and even more for those women who exercise more than 50 hours during the pregnancy.  Exercise also reduced pregnancy weight gain.  The women they studied  performed aerobic and

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Does labor pain medication affect breastfeeding?

Do pain medications given for labor affect breastfeeding? The short answer is yes, they could. Not for all women, but women with exposure to pain medications are more likely to have delayed onset of lactation. The delay could cause problems, supplementation, and higher cessation of breastfeeding. Some will respond to such information with anger or

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What to know about Vitamin K

A lot of my patients  are very deliberate about what interventions are performed during pregnancy, delivery, and in the newborn period. Their interest and education on these matters is an important part of our collaborative approach to obstetrical care.  But some can attempt to just be opposed to all interventions without investigating why.  Vitamin K

What to know about Vitamin K Read More »

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I appreciate the recognition from BirthWell. I am happy see women from the Birmingham area. If your consider our practice and are unsure, call and we will see for a consultation without having to commit to transfer. We feel that our practice and hospital offer many things that are unique in this area and worth

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