So I read an interesting article in about breastfeeding and natural birth options. I was disappointed they missed the wonderful things happening at RMC. Here is what I would add/respond to the article:
In light of the changes in the two hospitals you focused on, RMC, without any outside help, became the first Baby Friendly Hospital in the state. That includes the changes you mentioned and more. The hospital has begun recently to have skin-to-skin IN the operating room for Cesarean sections. It has very robust follow up of all breastfeeding mothers and strong breastfeeding community groups. That is reflected in the highest breastfeeding rates among low-income mothers in the state. For natural birth, we have a strong support and track record. The hospital has a natural birth order set incorporating the best natural birth care practices, has water tub for labor (that is used frequently), encourages women to birth in any position comfortable for them, has good relationships with area doulas, and because of that, has drawn women from far beyond its normal catchment area.
There are good things happening in birth in Anniston!